1. News -

    The Northern Care Alliance’s Chief Nurse Elaine Inglesby-Burke CBE has been honoured for her remarkable nursing career by the NHS’ top nurse.
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    A new digital portal is being introduced by the NHS and councils which allows health and social care staff to see how many vacancies there are in local care homes, saving hours of time phoning around to check availability.
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    What would you do to improve local health services?
    Please help us by completing this Healthwatch England Survey
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    The Healthwatch Oldham 100 Project (HWO 100) is simple and straightforward. We would like at least 100 residents of Oldham to sign up to receive a bi-monthly short survey on health and social care services.
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    We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has shared their feedback with us about the local implementation of the NHS Long Term Plan.
  6. Advice and Information -

    Set in the The Boathouse at Alexandra Park, Pure Innovations is an exciting hub of various activities across the community:
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    The Water Adventure Centre (WAC) was established in 1977 and is based at Fairfield Locks beside the Ashton Canal in Droylsden.
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    UProjects are based in Saddleworth, Oldham. Providing outdoor physical activities and promoting the proven health benefits they bring.
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    Ability Wheelz provides opportunities for children, young people and adults with additional needs and/or disabilities to access a wide range of adapted and universal cycles in Alexandra Park.
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    In the current climate of cut backs and budget reductions, health and wellbeing support programmes have all but vanished. With this in mind the following packages have been developed, to implement either singly or in a series, to address this area.
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    St John Ambulance is the nation’s leading first aid charity. Every year, more than 400,000 people learn how to save a life through their training programmes, including hundreds of thousands of young people.
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    Healthy Gains 4 U provide a wide range of professional services to meet your needs. They promise to provide every service with a smile and to your highest level of satisfaction.
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    Provider of sports coaching, sports events and racket restringing. Helping you achieve your Personal Best 365 days a year!
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    The college aims to provide something different for local people. Moving away from the clinical focus offered by many support services; instead we offer an educational approach designed to empower you to take control of your own health and wellbeing.
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    Members of STO (Sport therapy Organisation), Lyndan Sports Therapy provide sports massage, acupuncture, myofascial trig point therapy.
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    Our aim is to halve the number of suicides in men under 45.
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    The Open Shutters photographic project is a series of black & white portraits aimed at showing mental illness presents massive challenges to those who experience it and the people around them, it needn’t mean an end to dreams and ambition...
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    Ambition for Ageing Oldham which aims to reduce social isolation in the over 50’s population in Alexandra, Crompton and Failsworth West, through targeted asset based community development (ABCD) approaches.
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    Do you or a family member need practical help to support you to take control of your life?
    Do you and your family have difficulties such as housing, money, parenting, confidence, looking for work or want to improve an area of your life?
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    TOG Mind offers information and advice to people with mental health problems and lobbies government and local authorities on their behalf. It also works to raise public awareness and understanding of issues relating to mental health.
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    Oldham Community Leisure want to create an environment in which sport, active recreation and leisure are integrated into the lifestyle of all Oldham citizens, in order that community cohesion and health benefits are continually improving.
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    Diabetes UK’s aim is creating a world where diabetes can do no harm. Diabetes is the most devastating and fastest growing health crisis of our time, affecting more people than any other serious health condition in the UK.
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    Age UK Oldham is an independent local charity that works in partnership with the Local Authority and NHS Oldham delivering services under contract agreements.
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    A year ago the Accessible Information Standard came into force. It requires any organisation providing NHS or social care to communicate in a way that everybody can understand. Here's a reminder of what you should expect.
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    Health issues unfortunately don't leave us alone at the weekend and people are often in need of medical assistance out of hours. Using NHS guidelines, we have provided some advice and information on where you can go for help when your GP is closed.
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    There is a risk of the mosquito borne Zika Virus in Bangladesh.
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    Making a Will lets you decide what happens to your money, property and possessions when you die. These things are sometimes called your ‘estate’. You can also use a Will to decide who should look after any children under 18.
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    CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It is an emergency attempt to restart a person’s heart and/or breathing if they have a cardiac arrest.
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    Advance Decision can also be known as a Living Will or Advance Directive. It allows you to write down any treatments that you don’t want to have in the future, in case you later become unable to make or communicate decisions for yourself.
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    An Advance Statement allows you to record your wishes, feelings, beliefs and values in case you later become unwell and need care or medical treatment.
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    Understanding Lasting Power of Attorney for property and financial affairs and Lasting Power of Attorney for Health and Welfare.
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    Please take a moment to read our latest review called We Matter. The report shares the first hand experiences of young people and their families who have used Children and Young People’s Mental Health services in Oldham.
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    The following organisations are just a few suggestions of where you can get help, support or advice. Please note we do not endorse these agencies, we provide you with this information to enable you to make an informed decision.
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    Over a six-month period, we held two very successful Health Forums which focused on Men’s and Women’s Health respectively. Our Women’s event took place on the 28 Nov 2018 followed by the Men’s event on the 7 May 2019.
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    The King's Fund have produced a video which easily explains what 'population health' is.
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    If you need help with an urgent dental problem, call the Urgent Dental Care Service on 0333 332 3800, available from 8am to 10pm every day, including weekends and bank holidays
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    Rats in the Sofa is an original piece of music theatre commissioned by Oldham Cares and the Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board to explore safeguarding issues with Oldham residents.
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    The winners from our inaugural People's Choice Awards have been announced!
  39. Advice and Information -

    Since the COVID-19 pandemic, it's been estimated that across the UK there are 13.5 million unpaid carers. Many people are unaware of their rights as a carer and, as a result, are not accessing the help and support they are entitled to.
  40. Advice and Information -

    Take a look at what you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccination programme including how you will know when it's your turn, where to go, and why it's important.
  41. Report -

    Healthwatch Oldham has published their review of dentistry services in Oldham.
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    Healthwatch Oldham and the Safeguarding Adults Oldham Team have worked in partnership to produce a survey that was designed to be a starting point to highlight and understand peoples' experiences of accessibility when they have a physical disability.
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    Healthwatch Oldham are proud to announce the return of The People’s Choice Awards to celebrate the hard work that people throughout all health and social care services have delivered to the people of Oldham during 2021.