New Years Blues Infographic 2021

In January 2020, we wanted to better understand people’s experiences of mental health during the winter months. In January 2021, we wanted to do the same but compare on the COVID-19 pandemic has further impacted people’s mental health.

A quick summary:

  • Most people felt that their mental health has been affected by COVID-19.
  • People stated that they were having more trouble sleeping and being irritable on this year’s survey.
  • People have felt more comfortable speaking to family and friends this year regarding their mental health.
  • When asked how they try to manage their mental health symptoms, numbers increased on people stating they would go for a walk and speak to family or friends.
  • Less people stated that they had a formal diagnosis for their mental health and treatment services were accessed less.
  • Stress levels at work have decreased from the previous year but concerns for family members with long term conditions has risen along with concerns of their own health.
  • People admitting that they live an inactive lifestyle has increased.

We understand that people provided this feedback before any kind of lockdown came into effect. However, now more than ever, our mental health and wellbeing are so important to look after.

Results from this survey understandably show that people have struggled with not being able to access services as they normally would but also show a positive trend in people feeling more able to speak to family and friends about their mental health.

Numbers indicate that people have been more positive in understanding how COVID-19 and being isolated has had on their mental health and people have felt more comfortable in discussing the way they feel.

Moving forward:

Walking - People showed awareness that going for a walk was one of the best things to do to clear the mind and to get a good form of exercise.

Healthy Diet – Now is also a good time to look at your current diet and whether you can try new foods in the kitchen. 

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