How did you hear about CHC funding?
Did you have to ask the social worker/other health professional to apply for CHC funding or did they tell you about it?
How long did the whole process take from completing the application to the funding being awarded?
Were you/your loved one put forward for fast-track CHC funding?
If you answered yes to the previous question, how quickly was it processed and awarded?
Do you feel you/loved ones needs were listened to and you were able to contribute to the assessment?
Do you feel the funding which was awarded for you/loved one was fair and met your/their needs?
Were you informed what CHC was and the process explained to you?
Were there any barriers throughout the process?
Which of the following options best describe how you think of yourself?
Is your gender identity the same as it was at birth?
Your age group
Sexual Orientation
Do you have a disability?
Town or area you live in